
  1. RDS: Relational Database System
  1. types
    1. sql server
    2. mysql
    3. oracle
    4. postgreSQl
    5. mariaDB
    6. aurora
  1. feature
    1. multi-AZ
    2. failover capability
    3. automated backups
  1. OLTP: used for online transaction processing
    1. RDS
  1. diff between OLAP:
    1. OLAP: online analytical processing
      1. take a long time to complete
      2. like redshift
  1. performance
    1. increate read performance
      1. read replicas
        1. read only copy
        2. not for disaster recovery
  1. Aurora
    1. relational DB
    2. 5 times better performance than MySQL and 3 time better than PostgreSQL
    3. 10GB start & 10G increments to 128T
    4. scale up to 96vcpus and 768 GB of memory
    5. 2 copy of data in each availability zone
    6. minimum of 3 availability zones
    7. at least 6 copies of data
  1. dynamoDB
    1. non-relational DB
    2. store on SSD
    3. spread across 3 geo distinct data centers
    4. eventually consistent reads(default)
    5. strongly consistent reads
    6. accelerator - DAX
      1. in memory cache
      2. 10x perf improvement
    7. transaction
      1. atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability - ACID
    8. backups
      1. point in time recovery is not enabled by default
  1. DocumentDB
    1. is a way to run mangoDB
  1. Apache Cassandra workloads with amazon keyspaces
    1. Cassandra
      1. distributed db
      2. nosql
      3. big data solutions
    2. keyspaces
      1. cassandra db service
  1. Amazon Neptune
    1. graph db
  1. Amazon Quantum Ledger DB
    1. QLDB
    2. immutable
    3. crypto currencies
  1. Amazon Timestream
    1. time-series data