


  1. Elastic Compute Cloud
  1. estimate capacity: for 3-5 years
  1. pricing options
    1. on demand
    2. reserved: for discount
    3. spot: purchase unused capacity
      1. feature
        1. stateless
        2. fault-tolerant
        3. flexible
      2. will be stoped while the price is above your limit
    4. dedicated: A physical ec2 server(most expensive)
      1. compliance
      2. licensing
  1. launch pools
    1. spot fleet: meet your capacity
  1. reserved instances
    1. standard: 买了不能改
    2. convertible:买了可以往上改
    3. scheduled:只买特定时间段
  1. AWS Command Line
    1. use in ec2
    2. such as
      1. aws s3 ls
    3. how to use it
      1. create ec2
      2. create iam users
      3. create user groups
      4. assign to target user groups & generate access key
    4. attach with role
      1. do things like aws configure
      2. more safer, because there is no password on the ec2
  1. security groups
    1. like virtual firewalls
  1. bootstrap scripts
    1. runs when the instance first runs
  1. metadata: info about ec2 instance
  1. userdata: simply bootstrap scripts
  1. networking
    1. ENI: Elastic Network Interface [default]
      1. day to day networking
    2. EN: Enhanced Networking [10g - 100g]
      1. single root IO virtualization — high performance
    3. EFA: Elastic Fabric Adapter
      1. accelerates high performance computing — high performance for ML
  1. placement groups
    1. cluster: in same availability zone
    2. spread: separate from each other
      1. such as db instance 1 & 2
      2. not on the same hardware
    3. partition: multiple ec2 instances
      1. different power sources
  1. vCenter
    1. VMWare
  1. aws outposts
    1. use aws servers on-premise(locally)
    2. outposts rack
      1. 42u - 96u
    3. outposts servers
      1. 1u - 2u
    4. process
      1. order
      2. install
      3. launch
      4. build
  1. exercies
    1. policy ⇒ role ⇒ instance profile ⇒ ec2